When Reading About Conquering Skateboarding Fear Does Nothing For You...

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I just got an email from a reader who is having a hard time with chickenfoot. He said that he read Chickenfoot Help, and How to Conquer Fear in Skateboarding, and is still having problems. Nothing helps.

This can be a BIG problem!! My advice is to do something else for a bit. Don't stop skating, but do other stuff. Cruise around. Practice kickturns. Get good at stopping, and going fast. Get more comfortable on that board. Try manuals. Maybe skate some flow at a skatepark. Get more comfortable skating. Spend a LOT of time on that board...

Do that for a while, like days. Maybe longer. And your fear should slowly melt away. Once you feel truly confident on your board, you should be ok with ollying, or whatever else is giving you trouble.

And another thing - don't feel bad for being scared. You should be!!! Getting hurt sucks! But if you're wearing a helmet, you WILL heal! If you want to read more, check out What to do if I'm still afraid, and it might help. I tell a fun story about getting hurt! If you've dealt with this yourself, leave a comment below and give Tom and other skaters some advice - how did YOU deal with this?!

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What Is The Skaters' Fund?

The Skaters' Fund assists all coaches and performing skaters who need financial assistance due to sickness, disability or age. The Fund is not affiliated with any other skating organization.

The Skaters' Fund is supported 100% through contributions from the general public. The Fund is a private nonprofit organization, founded in 1999, that serves disabled skaters across the United States.

Why Is There A Need For The Skaters' Fund?
Ice skating is one of the most challenging and beautiful sports in the world today. At rinks across the country, thousands of people from all walks of life are enjoying themselves on the ice. They are pursuing the sport more seriously than ever before. It has become the most popular televised sport.

Coaches and performing skaters are the backbone of the figure skating industry. It is they who develop the sport and help others to enjoy it. These talented people have dedicated their lives to strengthen and advance this art form with little thought of financial remuneration.